Simulation and Microstructure Study of Resistance Slant Butt Welding for Aluminum Alloy
- 2024年54卷第8期 页码:83-89
纸质出版日期: 2024-08-25
DOI: 10.7512/j.issn.1001-2303.2024.08.11
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纸质出版日期: 2024-08-25 ,
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WU Qinglong, LI Yingzhe, BI Yuanbo, GUO Jing, LUO Zhen.Simulation and Microstructure Study of Resistance Slant Butt Welding for Aluminum Alloy[J].Electric Welding Machine, 2024, 54(8): 83-89.
利用Abaqus软件建立了厚度为4 mm的5052铝合金电阻斜坡对接焊过程的有限元模型,在相同参数下设计了工艺试验。分析了在不同的焊接工艺参数下,电阻斜坡对接焊的熔核形成过程与焊接过程的电场、温度场的关系,并通过对比金相试样与有限元模型运算结果验证了模型的准确性。结果表明:电阻斜坡对接焊的熔核为沿接触面生长的椭球形,工件厚度对熔核的生长方向起到了一定的导向作用,同时由于铝合金材料属性与焊接结构的不同,在焊接初期在下电极轴心处形成了一片电流集中区域。同时讨论了电流的最小压降原理在斜坡对接中的作用机理,为进一步研究电阻偏心点焊焊接过程积累基础科学数据。
A finite element model of resistance ramp butt welding process of 5052 aluminum alloy with thickness of 4 mm was established by Abaqus
and the process test was designed under the same parameters. The relationship between the formation process of the welding nugget and the electric field and temperature field during the welding process under different welding process parameters was analyzed. The accuracy of the model was verified by comparing the metallographic samples with the results of the finite element model calculations. The results show that the welding nugget of resistance slant butt welding is an ellipsoidal shape that grows along the contact surface
and the thickness of the workpiece plays a certain guiding role in the growth direction of the nugget. At the same time
due to the different material properties of aluminum alloy and welding structure
a current concentration area was formed at the center of the lower electrode in the early stage of welding. The role mechanism of the minimum voltage drop principle in slant butt welding is also discussed
providing basic scientific data for further study of the resistance eccentric spot welding process.
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