Optimization of Examination Items of Common Welding Methods for Steel Types of Special Equipment
- 2024年54卷第6期 页码:136-141
纸质出版日期: 2024-06-25
DOI: 10.7512/j.issn.1001-2303.2024.06.22
纸质出版日期: 2024-06-25 ,
CHEN Chaofan, YAO Peng, ZHANG Yonghui, et al.Optimization of Examination Items of Common Welding Methods for Steel Types of Special Equipment[J].Electric Welding Machine, 2024, 54(6): 136-141.
为了优化特种设备行业焊接作业人员的考核项目,减少企业资源浪费和经济损失,提高焊接作业效率和质量。针对当前焊接作业人员考核中存在项目重叠和无证上岗的问题提出优化方案。通过分析TSG Z6002—2010《特种设备焊接操作人员考核细则》和实际生产需求,对手工焊焊工和焊机操作工的考核项目进行了系统梳理,考虑了焊接方法、金属材料类别、接头形式、试件位置、焊缝金属厚度、管材试件外径、填充金属类别、焊接工艺因素等多个要素,对SMAW、GMAW(含FCAW)、GTAW、SAW等常用焊接方法的考核项目进行具体优化。结果表明,通过选择合适的考核项目,可以覆盖更广泛的焊接作业需求,同时减少考核项目的数量,降低企业的考核成本;企业应根据自身的焊接作业特点和实际生产需求,制定最优化、经济、适用范围广的考核项目,提升焊接作业人员的专业技能,确保特种设备的焊接质量。
In order to optimize the assessment items for welding operators in the special equipment industry
reduce waste of corporate resources and economic losses
and improve the efficiency and quality of welding operations
an optimization plan is proposed to address the current issues of overlapping assessment items and unlicensed posts among welding operators. By analyzing the "Special Equipment Welding Operator Assessment Rules" (TSG Z6002—2010) and actual production needs
a systematic review of the assessment items for manual welding operators and machine welding operators has been conducted
taking into account various elements such as welding methods
categories of metal materials
joint types
specimen positions
weld metal thickness
outer diameter of pipe specimens
types of filler metals
and welding process factors. The assessment items for commonly used welding methods such as SMAW
GMAW (including FCAW)
and SAW have been specifically optimized. The results show that by selecting appropriate assessment items
a wider range of welding operation needs can be covered
while reducing the number of assessment items and lowering the assessment costs for enterprises. Enterprises should formulate the most optimized
and widely applicable assessment items based on their own welding operation characteristics and actual production needs
to enhance the professional skills of welding operators and ensure the welding quality of special equipment.
special equipmentwelder assessmentoptimization of assessment itemsproduction applicabilityeconomic analysis
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