New MIG Welding Process Technique for Aluminum Alloy of Electric Vehicle Battery Box
- 2024年54卷第6期 页码:94-98
纸质出版日期: 2024-06-25
DOI: 10.7512/j.issn.1001-2303.2024.06.15
纸质出版日期: 2024-06-25 ,
WANG Xiaoyu, SUN Quanwei, YIN Bin, et al.New MIG Welding Process Technique for Aluminum Alloy of Electric Vehicle Battery Box[J].Electric Welding Machine, 2024, 54(6): 94-98.
The application of aluminum alloy MIG welding technology in the electric vehicle battery box effectively improves the welding efficiency and reduce the cost of production. In the actual production of aluminum alloy battery box
it is difficult to control the rate of one-pass welding because of the many welding positions and the great difference of the thickness of the welding joint plate
it is necessary to develop a welding process to improve the stability of thin and thick aluminum alloy plate welding. The usual MIG welding method for the electric vehicle battery box is DC pulse welding
the welding mode is DC pulse single-current welding or DC pulse double-current welding. Through analysis
the welding heat input can be effectively lower under the same current condition and the welding a value can be increased under the same heat input condition for DC+AC pulse welding weave method. When the thin plate and thick plate for aluminum alloy welding
DC pulse welding can be used in the position of thick plate and AC pulse welding in the position of thin plate. It can ensure deep penetration of thick plate and non-burn-through of thin plate. AC+DC weave welding technology has been applied in actual production
and has effectively improved the pass rate of welding seam and production efficiencyand improve the welding seam acceptance rate.
aluminum alloy of electric vehicle battery boxthin and thick plateDC+AC MIG pulse welding
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