Analysis on Determination of Hydrogen in Aluminum Melt and in Solid Alloy Wire
- 2024年54卷第2期 页码:116-121
DOI: 10.7512/j.issn.1001-2303.2024.02.18
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ZHANG Shuo, WANG Bo, YAN Zhigang, et al.Analysis on Determination of Hydrogen in Aluminum Melt and in Solid Alloy Wire[J].Electric Welding Machine, 2024, 54(2): 116-121.
为严格控制铝合金焊丝内在氢含量,分析了铝合金焊丝冶炼过程中充氩工艺参数对合金熔体及固体氢含量的影响,并比较了熔体测氢与固体测氢方法的异同。结果表明,2~4吨铝熔体冶炼过程中,减小精炼氩气的流量可以显著减少合金熔体减压凝固测氢试样纵切面上的气孔数量和尺寸,降低熔体的氢含量,当充氩流量为8~10 mL/min时,熔体除氢效果达到最佳;固体测氢方法可以准确提取固体焊丝中的真实氢含量(单位:ppm),经过计算1 mL/100 g Al等价于0.899 ppm,当氩气流量控制在8~10 mL/min时固体焊丝合金中的氢含量为0.17~0.18 mL/100 g Al,可满足低氢焊丝生产要求;同等充氩工艺条件下,固体测氢值高于熔体测氢值,二者比值保持在1.7~2.1之间,固体测氢与熔体测氢各有优劣,二者可以互为补充、配合使用。
The effects of argon refining process parameters on the hydrogen contents in ER4043 aluminum melt and the resulting solid alloy wires were investigated. Experimental results show that reducing the argon flow rate during gas refining can significantly reduce the hydrogen content of melt and decrease the number and size of pores on the longtitudinal section of the samples prepared by reduced pressure test. When the argon flow rate was at 8~10 mL/min
the hydrogen content in melt reached the minimum value. Bulk hydrogen of solid ER4043 alloy wires can be obtained accurately by the LECO RHEN602 hydrogen determinator. Similarly
when the flow rate of argon during smelting was controlled at 8~10 mL/min
the bulk hydrogen in solid alloy wire reached the lowest value of 0.17~0.18 mL/100g Al
which could meet the technical requirements of low hydrogen aluminum alloy wire production. In addition
under the same argon refining process
the bulk hydrogen content in solid alloy wire was higher than the hydrogen content in melt
and the ratio of the former to the latter was kept between 1.7 and 2.1.
aluminum alloy wiresargon refininghydrogen in melthydrogen in solid alloy
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