Effect of Mn Content on the Microstructure and Properties of the Deposited Metal of ENiCrMo-2 Welding Electrode
- 2024年54卷第2期 页码:104-109
DOI: 10.7512/j.issn.1001-2303.2024.02.16
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SUN Shuqi, CHEN Bo, CHEN Yan, et al.Effect of Mn Content on the Microstructure and Properties of the Deposited Metal of ENiCrMo-2 Welding Electrode[J].Electric Welding Machine, 2024, 54(2): 104-109.
;随着Mn含量从0.16 wt
%升高到0.91 wt
%,熔敷金属的塑韧性和抗裂性得到提高,熔敷金属力学性能良好。通过断口分析发现,当Mn含量为0.16 wt
%时,存在较弱的结晶裂纹和高温失塑裂纹倾向,Mn含量的提高使裂纹倾向减弱,沿晶开裂的断裂面上的韧窝形貌逐渐均匀变深。因此,适当增加Mn含量可优化ENiCrMo-2镍基焊条合金熔敷金属的组织和力学性能,当Mn含量增加至0.91 wt
ENiCrMo-2 nickel-based welding rod alloy cladding metal was prepared using SMAW. The microstructure of the cladding metal was studied by optical microscopy (OM)
scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) methods. The grain boundary morphology
precipitate phase composition
and precipitate phase morphology characteristics were studied. The tensile test was conducted on the cladding metal
and the fracture morphology was analyzed to study the effect of Mn content on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the cladding metal. The results showed that the microstructure was mainly columnar austenite
and the increase in Mn content changed the width of the segregation zone
but had no significant effect on the precipitate phase. The precipitate phase included Cr-rich carbides (M
) and Mo- and Cr-rich carbides (M
with partial precipitates being M
encapsulated by M
. With the increase in Mn content from 0.16 wt.% to 0.91 wt.%
the ductility and crack resistance of the cladding metal were improved
and the mechanical properties of the cladding metal were good. Through fracture analysis
it was found that when the Mn content was 0.16 wt.%
there was a weak tendency for crystal cracks and high-temperature ductile cracks. The increase in Mn content weakened the crack tendency
and the dimple morphology on the fractured surface along with grain boundaries became gradually deeper and more uniform. Therefore
appropriately increasing Mn content can optimize the microstructure and mechanical properties of ENiCrMo-2 nickel-based welding rod alloy cladding metal. When the Mn content is increased to 0.91 wt.%
the mechanical properties of the cladding metal are optimal.
welding electrode of nickel alloydeposited metalMn contentmicroscopic organizationprecipitated phasemechanical propertiescrack tendency
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