Welding System of Marine Diesel Engine Cylinder Head Based on Laser Searching
- 2023年53卷第9期 页码:91-98
DOI: 10.7512/j.issn.1001-2303.2023.09.12
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YANG Shuai, WEI Naikun, LUO Xiaomeng.Welding System of Marine Diesel Engine Cylinder Head Based on Laser Searching[J].Electric Welding Machine, 2023, 53(9): 91-98.
Some surfaces of cylinder head of marine diesel engine are under high temperature and high pressure for a long time when it is in operation, and the parent material is very easy to be damaged. Therefore, a layer of nickel base alloy material will be welded on the surface to improve its high temperature and high pressure resistance in actual production. At present, manual electrode arc welding and special machine semi-automatic welding are mainly used in factory, but there are some problems like low efficiency, poor flexibility and large amount of manual participation. In view of this phenomenon, a marine diesel engine cylinder head welding system based on laser searching is developed. Robots are used to replace manual work, laser sensors are used to searching the welding position, and then the welding procedure is offset to the correct position without manual intervention during the period. A single cylinder head only needs to be positioned once, which saves a lot of time for manually positioning the weld seam and improves the production efficiency. It can shorten the production cycle and improve the efficiency by more than 20% compared with the special machine semi-automatic welding.This system has strong practical significance.
laser searchingcylinder headweldingrobotintelligentautomatic
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