Effect of Rare Earth Yttrium Element on Microstructure and Properties of Aluminum Alloy Laser Welded Joints
- 2023年53卷第7期 页码:102-109
DOI: 10.7512/j.issn.1001-2303.2023.07.14
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NIE Yu, DENG Ailin, CHEN Hui, et al.Effect of Rare Earth Yttrium Element on Microstructure and Properties of Aluminum Alloy Laser Welded Joints[J].Electric Welding Machine, 2023, 53(7): 102-109.
为研究稀土元素钇(Y)对铝合金的强化作用,通过制备不同Y含量的焊丝,研究了Y元素对铸锭以及铝合金激光焊接接头组织、拉伸性能以及热裂纹敏感性的影响。结果表明:当在铸锭中加入Y元素,产生聚集的块状相,随着Y含量的增加,铸锭力学性能降低。通过自制焊材进行激光焊接,发现当焊材中Y含量为0.15 ,wt,.%时,激光焊接接头焊缝区获得细小的组织,接头抗拉强度得到一定程度的提升,但随着Y元素进一步增加,力学性能逐渐下降,组织也逐渐粗化。热裂纹实验表明,添加0.15 ,wt,.%的Y元素,柱状晶区较未添加Y的区域窄,等轴晶数量增加,可以降低焊接热裂纹敏感性。
The effect of yttrium(Y) element on the microstructure and mechanical properties of ingot and the effect of laser welded joint microstructure, tensile properties and hot crack susceptibility of aluminum alloy were studied by preparing filler wires with different Y content. The results showed that when Y element was added into the ingot, the lumpy phase was formed, and the mechanical properties of the ingot decreased with the increase of Y content. Through laser welding with self-made welding material, it was found that when the content of Y in the welding material was 0.15 ,wt,.%, the laser welded joint could obtain fine microstructure at weld zone, and the tensile strength of the joint was improved to a certain extent. However, with the further increase of Y element, the mechanical properties were gradually decreased, and the microstructure was also gradually coarsened. The columnar crystal area was narrower than the area without adding Y, and the number of equiaxed crystals increased. The hot crack experiment showed that adding 0.15 ,wt,.% Y element could narrow the columnar crystal region compared to the region without adding Y, and increase the number of equiaxed crystals, which could reduce the welding hot cracking susceptibility.
rare earth element Yaluminum alloylaser weldinghot cracking susceptibility
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