Q235 Sheet Welding Deformation Analysis of the Experiment and Simulation
- 2023年53卷第6期 页码:76-82
DOI: 10.7512/j.issn.1001-2303.2023.06.12
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ZHAO Qi, CHENG Jiahao, JIAO Chuanjia, et al.Q235 Sheet Welding Deformation Analysis of the Experiment and Simulation[J].Electric Welding Machine, 2023, 53(6): 76-82.
In order to obtain the rule of transient deformation process in thin plate welding and the influence of specimen size on the deformation after welding. Based on the three-dimensional optical surface scanning measurement system, the transient deformation process of weld area and key points in Q235 sheet welding was analyzed. According to the test, the finite element model was modified, and the influence law and mechanism of specimen size on the out-of-plane welding deformation of Q235 thin plate were discussed in detail by using the developed finite element model. The analysis of the modified finite element model is consistent with the experimental test results. The simulation results show that when the thin plate length is fixed, the longitudinal bending degree decreases with the increase of the width of the plate, and the change of the Angle deformation is not obvious. When the width of the thin plate is constant, the longitudinal bending degree and angular deformation increase with the increase of the length of the plate. The ratio of length to width of the test plate has little influence on the size and distribution of the longitudinal plastic strain of the weld, but has great influence on the transverse strain distribution range and size of the weld. This study provides effective guidance for judging and reducing post-welding deformation in industrial production.
three-dimensional optical surface scanning measurement systemthin platewelding deformationfinite element simulationmechanism
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