Pulse Welding Control Method Using New Magnetic Core Material Reactor
- 2023年53卷第5期 页码:119-124
DOI: 10.7512/j.issn.1001-2303.2023.05.18
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CHEN Chao, WANG Xin.Pulse Welding Control Method Using New Magnetic Core Material Reactor[J].Electric Welding Machine, 2023, 53(5): 119-124.
In view of the development demand of miniaturization and light weight of the reactor of new inverter welding power supply, and the problems such as slow current climbing and falling and poor arc following during pulse welding, a new type of reactor with magnetic core material is presented. The magnetic core of the reactor is NS ferrosilica-aluminum magnetic powder core with ring structure. According to different welding machine types and welding machine specifications, the welding requirements can be met by adding the number of ring cores or changing the number of winding. A new type of reactor can replace one open loop reactor and one closed loop reactor in series, reduce the volume and weight of the reactor by 20%, and realize the unification of the reactor core materials. Using this reactor can improve the response speed of pulse welding current climbing and falling and arc following, but will lead to the decrease of the stability of pulse peak current, so a new pulse control algorithm based on peak voltage feedback and current feedback is proposed to ensure the stability of pulse welding.
power supplyweldingreactormagnetic coreimpulse control
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