Analysis of Heterogeneous Microstructure Characteristics of Extra-thick Aluminum Alloy Friction Stir Welding Joint with Water Flow Cooled
- 2023年53卷第3期 页码:54-61
DOI: 10.7512/j.issn.1001-2303.2023.03.06
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XIA Peiyun, ZHOU Jiafen, YIN Yuhuan, et al.Analysis of Heterogeneous Microstructure Characteristics of Extra-thick Aluminum Alloy Friction Stir Welding Joint with Water Flow Cooled[J].Electric Welding Machine, 2023, 53(3): 54-61.
针对108 mm超厚5A06(H112)铝合金,采用水流冷却搅拌摩擦焊接方法解决了轴肩影响区因过热导致的孔洞缺陷,对接头全厚度的微观组织特征进行了测试分析。结果表明,双面焊缝组织具有上下对称性,在厚度方向仍存在微观组织的不均一性;对于单道焊缝,焊核区不同厚度位置的晶粒尺寸、金属化合物尺寸分布存在差异;近表面焊核区(NZ-upper)以及焊核重叠区(OZ)晶粒尺寸最小,金属化合物颗粒尺寸最小呈弥散分布;距离表面7~22 mm深度中上部焊缝存在粗晶区,区域内Al,3,Mg,2,颗粒有所长大,其与后退侧TMAZ的过渡位置发现线状偏聚的β相Al,3,Mg,2,、氧化物以及Mg,2,Si。采用一种水平方向塑性材料堆积模型解释了金属化合物线状偏聚形成机制。
A water cooled friction stir welding process was performed to solve the hole defects caused by overheating in the affected area of the shaft shoulder for 108 mm thick 5A06 (H112) aluminum alloy. The microstructure characteristics of the joint throughout its thickness were tested and analyzed. The results show that the microstructure of the double-side welding was symmetrical from top to bottom, and was still heterogeneous. For single pass welding, the grain and metal compounds size were different in the weld nugget zone. The grain size of the near surface nugget zone (NZ-upper) and the nugget overlap zone (OZ) were the smallest, and the particle size of the metal compound was the smallest with a dispersion distribution. At a depth of 7 to 22 mm from the surface, there was a coarse grain region, in which Al,3,Mg,2, particles had grown up, and linear segregation of β Phase Al,3,Mg,2, oxide, and Mg,2,Si was found at the transition position between it and TMAZ of the RS. A horizontal plastic material stacking model was used to explain the formation mechanism of of metal compound linear segregation.
extra-thick platedouble-side friction stir weldingmicrostructuremetal compoundssegregationmaterial flow
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