Influence of Welding Materials of Different Systems on Fatigue Properties of Maintenance Welds of Composite Steel Pipe
- 2022年52卷第12期 页码:51-61
DOI: 10.7512/j.issn.1001-2303.2022.12.06
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CHEN Kun, SONG Yiyang, LU Lili, et al.Influence of Welding Materials of Different Systems on Fatigue Properties of Maintenance Welds of Composite Steel Pipe[J].Electric Welding Machine, 2022, 52(12): 51-61.
In order to verify the influence of welding materials of different systems (American standard and Russian standard) on the fatigue properties of maintenance welds of composite steel pipe in typical nuclear power plant, typical maintenance samples of composite steel pipe are prepared by using process parameters evaluated by welding process and welding materials of different systems (American standard and Russian standard), the funnel-shaped fatigue samples meeting the design requirements are taken out from the deposited zone and heat affected zone of the maintenance weld, and the fatigue pro-perties are tested at room temperature and analyzed. The results show that the low cycle fatigue properties of deposited zone and heat affected zone of different welding materials (American standard and Russian standard) are very close; The fatigue properties of the deposited zone repaired by the same welding material is obviously better than that of the heat affected zone.
composite steel pipedeposition zoneheat affected zonefatigue properties
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