Influence of Multiple Welding Repairs on the Properties of SA-533BCL1 Steel Welded Joints
- 2022年52卷第7期 页码:116-120
DOI: 10.7512/j.issn.1001-2303.2022.07.17
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MING Yang, JIA Yongfang, WANG Mingjin, et al.Influence of Multiple Welding Repairs on the Properties of SA-533BCL1 Steel Welded Joints[J].Electric Welding Machine, 2022, 52(7): 116-120.
SA-533GrBCL1 steel is a kind of steel that is widely used in the construction of nuclear power plants. It has certain nuclear safety requirements to verify the welding stability of SA-533GrBCL1. Specially carry out research on the influence of electrode arc welding multiple repairs on the performance of steel plate SA-533GrBCL1 for pressure vessels. Through performance tests such as tensile, bending, low temperature impact and hardness tests, the different welding joints of multiple repairs (≤5 times) are analyzed. The metallographic structure distribution and variation law of the location. The results show that the mechanical properties of SA-533GrBCL1 welded joints have not changed abnormally after repeated repairs or post-weld heat treatment, and the performance indicators meet the requirements of relevant manufacturing specifications, but the heat-affected zone exists after repeated repairs compared with unrepaired joints. Softening, post-weld heat treatment degrades and smoothes out hardness differences in various areas of the welded joint. Microscopically, the weld metal and the fusion zone of the post-weld heat treatment show that the ferrite structure initiates acicular, block, and flake morphology transformation, and is accompanied by a small amount of granular bainite and pearlite structure, showing that the impact toughness value is dispersive.
SA-533BCL1multiple repairsmechanical propertiesmetallographic structure
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