Analysis on Development Status of Titanium Alloy Welding Technology Based on Patent
- 2022年52卷第6期 页码:55-61
DOI: 10.7512/j.issn.1001-2303.2022.06.06
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MA Qingjun, WANG Zejun, WEI Chen, et al.Analysis on Development Status of Titanium Alloy Welding Technology Based on Patent[J].Electric Welding Machine, 2022, 52(6): 55-61.
In order to understand and master the development status and research trend of titanium alloy welding technology in China, the keywords "titanium alloy welding" are searched in the patent retrieval and analysis system and online academic platform, a statistical analysis is made about the annual application quantity, field evolution trend, applicants and regions of the titanium alloy welding technology patents, and the key patents for titanium alloy welding protection device and the welding of titanium alloy and dissimilar materials such as stainless steel, copper and copper alloy are expound. The statistics show that the annual patent application quantity of titanium alloy welding technology increases obviously, and the technical fields involved increase from part B to parts A, B, C, E, F, G, H and so on. The welding technology of titanium alloy and dissimilar materials has become a research hotspot. There are many patents for welding of titanium alloy and stainless steel, copper and copper alloy, and the technology is relatively mature, but there is few patent applications for welding of titanium alloy and other materials, especially non-metallic materials.
titanium alloy weldingpatentapplication quantitydissimilar material welding
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