Development of Sintered Flux CHF25B for High Speed Strip Electroslag Surfacing of Austenitic Stainless Steel
- 2022年52卷第4期 页码:113-118
DOI: 10.7512/j.issn.1001-2303.2022.04.17
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PENG Qimin, YANG Fei, CHEN Jiao, et al.Development of Sintered Flux CHF25B for High Speed Strip Electroslag Surfacing of Austenitic Stainless Steel[J].Electric Welding Machine, 2022, 52(4): 113-118.
国外高速带极电渣堆焊速度已达40 cm/min以上且焊接工艺性能良好,而国内配套的高速带极电渣堆焊焊剂在高速焊接时容易出现咬边、焊道成形差、产品质量不稳定等缺陷,这类焊材主要依靠进口,在一定程度上制约着我国制造业的发展。研制了一种奥氏体不锈钢带极电渣堆焊用烧结焊剂CHF25B,渣系为CaF,2,-Al,2,O,3,-SiO,2,,碱度为3.8~4.0。该焊剂配合焊带EQ309LMo和EQ316L在15CrMoR钢进行焊接试验,焊接速度可达到40 cm/min,且电渣过程稳定、焊接飞溅小、脱渣容易、焊道表面平整光滑、焊道间搭接处熔合良好;堆焊金属杂质元素S、P等含量低,合金元素烧损少。堆焊金属化学成分及各项性能满足NB/T 47018.5-2017和设计技术要求。
The speed of foreign high-speed electroslag surfacing with band electrode has reached more than 40 cm/min and the welding process performance is good, while the domestic supporting flux for high-speed electroslag surfacing with band electrode is prone to defects such as undercut, poor weld bead forming and unstable product quality. This kind of welding material mainly relies on import, which restricts the development of China's manufacturing industry to a certain extent. A kind of sintered flux CHF25B for strip electroslag surfacing of austenitic stainless steel is developed. The slag system is CaF,2,-Al,2,O,3,-SiO,2, and its alkalinity is from 3.8 to 4.0. In the welding test of 15CrMoR steel with this flux combined with welding strips EQ309LMo and EQ316L, the welding speed can reach 40cm/min, and the electroslag process is stable, the welding spatter is small, the slag removal is easy, the weld bead surface is flat and smooth, and the lap joint between weld beads is well fused. The content of impurity elements of the surfacing metal such as S and P is low and burning loss of alloy elements is less. The chemical composition and performance of surfacing metal meet the requirements of NB/T 47018.5-2017 and design technical conditions.
high speed electroslag surfacing with band electrodewelding materiallocalizationprocess evaluation
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