Effect of Heat Input Ratio on Residual Stress in Hybrid Laser-MIG Welded Joint
- 2022年52卷第2期 页码:1-7
DOI: 10.7512/j.issn.1001-2303.2022.02.01
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严春妍,朱子江,张 浩,等.能量配比对激光-MIG复合焊接头残余应力的影响[J].电焊机,2022,52(2):1-7.
YAN Chunyan, ZHU Zijiang, ZHANG Hao, et al.Effect of Heat Input Ratio on Residual Stress in Hybrid Laser-MIG Welded Joint[J].Electric Welding Machine, 2022, 52(2): 1-7.
采用不同激光/电弧能量配比(,QR,LA,)对8 mm厚Q345钢板进行激光-MIG(metal inert gas, MIG)复合焊接,研究了,QR,LA,对复合焊接头的截面形貌和显微组织的影响,并分析了不同,QR,LA,下焊接过程的温度场和接头残余应力分布的变化规律。结果表明,随着,QR,LA,增大,熔宽显著下降,焊接过程的最高温度略有升高。因焊速较快,粗晶热影响区出现了较多的马氏体,且马氏体数量随着,QR,LA,增大而略有增加。,QR,LA,在0.72~1.0范围时,等效残余应力、纵向残余应力、横向残余应力和厚度方向残余应力峰值随着激光功率增加均出现下降趋势。但,QR,LA,从1.0上升至1.18时,各应力的峰值随着激光功率增加而有所上升。
Hybrid laser-MIG welding of 8 mm thick Q345 steel plates was carried out using different laser-to-arc heat input ratio (,QR,LA,). The effects of ,QR,LA, on the cross-sectional macro-morphology and the microstructures in the hybrid welded joint were investigated. Development of temperature field distribution in the welding process and residual stress distribution in the welded joint under different ,QR,LA, were also analyzed. The results show that the weld bead width decreases while peak temperature in the welding process increases with elevated ,QR,LA,. The microstructure of coarse grained HAZ is mostly martensite due to the high welding speed, and the amount of martensite increases with elevated ,QR,LA., The stress levels of equivalent residual stress, longitudinal residual stress, transverse residual stress and through-thickness stress all reduce moderately as laser power increases with ,QR,LA, in the range of 0.72~1.0. However, the stress levels of the four stresses increases slightly as laser power increases with ,QR,LA, in the range of 1.0~1.18.
hybrid laser arc weldinglaser-to-arc heat input ratiomicrostructuretemperature fieldresidual stress filed
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