Effect of Tempering Temperature on the Organization and Properties of CMT Additive Manufacturing of 0Cr13Ni4Mo Stainless Steel
- Vol. 54, Issue 9, Pages: 85-89(2024)
Published: 25 September 2024
DOI: 10.7512/j.issn.1001-2303.2024.09.11
Published: 25 September 2024 ,
JIN Bao, HAN Jiayuan, QI Shiming, et al.Effect of Tempering Temperature on the Organization and Properties of CMT Additive Manufacturing of 0Cr13Ni4Mo Stainless Steel[J].Electric Welding Machine, 2024, 54(9): 85-89.
水轮机叶片的制造工艺与质量直接关系到其服役寿命与运行安全,利用CMT电弧增材制造技术,在固定的热输入、层间温度等焊接工艺参数下,通过光学显微镜(OM)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、0 ℃冲击试验和硬度试验等方法,研究了回火温度对CMT电弧增材制造0Cr13Ni4Mo不锈钢组织和性能的影响。结果表明,CMT电弧增材制造的0Cr13Ni4Mo不锈钢材料经过不同的温度回火,其显微组织都是典型的板条马氏体。随着回火温度升高,马氏体位相减弱,大量相邻马氏体板条界融合,马氏体板条合并的趋势加剧,逆变奥氏体含量增多。冲击试样以韧性断裂为主,断口处韧性断裂特征明显,分布有大量韧窝。借助扫描电镜能够清楚地观察到韧窝底部的夹杂物,EDS分析表明该圆形粒子主要为Mn、Si氧化物。冲击韧性随回火温度升高而升高,硬度先升高后降低。综合研究表明,经610 ℃回火处理并保温8 h的试样综合力学性能优异,满足工程实际需求。
The manufacturing process and quality of water turbine blades are directly related to their service life and operation safety. The influence of tempering temperature on the microstructure and properties of 0Cr13Ni4Mo stainless steel in CMT arc additive manufacturing 0Cr13Ni4Mo stainless steel was studied by optical microscope (OM)
scanning electron microscope (SEM)
0 ℃ impact test and hardness test under fixed heat input
interlayer temperature and other welding process parameters. The results show that the 0Cr13Ni4Mo stainless steel material manufactured by CMT arc additive is tempered at different temperatures
and its microstructure is typical slatted martensite. With the increase of tempering temperature
the martensite phase weakens
a large number of adjacent martensite slats are fused
the trend of martensitic slats merger intensifies
and the content of contravariant austenite increases. The impact specimens were mainly ductile fractures
and the ductile fractures at the fractures were obvious
and a large number of tenements were distributed. With the help of SEM
the inclusions at the bottom of the ligament fossa could be clearly observed
and EDS analysis showed that the round particles were mainly Mn and Si oxides. The impact toughness increases with the increase of tempering temperature
and the hardness first increases and then decreases. The comprehensive study shows that the specimen tempered at 610 ℃ and kept warm for 8h has excellent comprehensive mechanical properties to meet the actual needs of the project.
CMT additive manufacturingtempering temperature0Cr13Ni4Mo stainless steelmicrostructure and performance
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