Application of Single Factor Analysis Method in Treatment Process of Typical Welding Quality Problems of Nuclear Power Equipment Pipeline
- Vol. 53, Issue 12, Pages: 126-132(2023)
DOI: 10.7512/j.issn.1001-2303.2023.12.20
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MA Xinchao.Application of Single Factor Analysis Method in Treatment Process of Typical Welding Quality Problems of Nuclear Power Equipment Pipeline[J].Electric Welding Machine, 2023, 53(12): 126-132.
This paper introduces the types of typical structural members in nuclear power engineering, puts forward the basic concept and content of single factor analysis method, analyzes the influencing factors affecting the welding and inspection of equipment, pipelines, valves and other components, focusing on the analysis of the root causes of welding defects and quality problems, The root causes of typical defects are analyzed from the formation mechanism of typical defects, the corresponding treatment process is formulated, and the specific treatment measures are put forward. The application of single factor analysis can effectively simplify the process, focus on the key problems, improve the analysis effect, and put forward the treatment process to solve various quality problems, so as to standardize the treatment process.
nuclear power engineeringequipment pipelinesingle factor analysis methodwelding quality problem
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