Research Progress on Phase Field Simulation of Microstructure Evolution in Welding Process
- Vol. 53, Issue 8, Pages: 98-106(2023)
DOI: 10.7512/j.issn.1001-2303.2023.08.13
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ZHU Yuchen, ZHONG Sujuan, GUO Junhua, et al.Research Progress on Phase Field Simulation of Microstructure Evolution in Welding Process[J].Electric Welding Machine, 2023, 53(8): 98-106.
The welding process determines the microstructure of the welded joint, which in turn determines the performance of the entire welded structure. The conventional experimental methods can only obtain the microstructure of the welded joint, and cannot dynamically understand the formation process of the joint in situ. With the help of advanced numerical simulation methods, the evolution process of the joint microstructure can be studied, the welding process parameters can be optimized, and the joint performance can be improved. The phase field method has been widely used to simulate the microstructure evolution of materials. The phase field simulation of microstructure evolution in welding process has also become a research hotspot. Firstly, the phase field method is briefly introduced. Aiming at the three main research objects of dendrite growth in molten pool, dynamic recrystallization in friction stir welding stirring zone, formation and microstructure evolution of brazed joints, the research progress of phase field simulation in welding process at home and abroad is summarized. The challenges faced by the application of phase field simulation in welding field are put forward and the future development direction is prospected.
weldingphase field methodnumerical simulationmicrostructure
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