Reliability Evaluation of Inconel 690/321 SS Dissimilar Metal Welded Joints
- Vol. 53, Issue 6, Pages: 92-97(2023)
DOI: 10.7512/j.issn.1001-2303.2023.06.14
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林方强,芦丽莉,潘学荣,等.Inconel 690/321不锈钢异种金属焊接接头静强度可靠性评估[J].电焊机,2023,53(6):92-97.
LIN Fangqiang, LU Lili, PAN Xuerong, et al.Reliability Evaluation of Inconel 690/321 SS Dissimilar Metal Welded Joints[J].Electric Welding Machine, 2023, 53(6): 92-97.
基于实测的应力和强度数据,对Inconel 690/321不锈钢异种金属焊接接头开展静强度可靠性评估,应用应力强度干涉模型研究了焊接接头的静强度可靠度,以及焊接接头的可靠性安全系数。结果表明,在应力和强度服从正态分布的情况下,水压试验工况中焊接接头的静强度可靠度为0.999 93;另一方面,在焊接接头可靠度指标,R,=0.999 9条件下得可靠性安全系数为1.1。基于实测数据建立的焊接接头静强度可靠性评估方法,可以推广应用于类似焊接接头的强度设计与评估,达到安全系数精细化设计、结构减重的目的。
Based on the measured stress and strength data, the static strength reliability assessment of Inconel 690-321 dissimilar metal welded joints was carried out, and the static strength reliability of the welded joints and the reliability safety factor of the welded joints were studied by applying the stress strength interference model. The results show that the static strength reliability of the welded joint in the hydrostatic test condition is 0.99993 under the condition that the stress and strength follow the normal distribution, and on the other hand, the reliability safety factor of the welded joint under the condition of R=0.9999 is 1.1. Based on the measured data, the established static strength reliability assessment method of welded joints can be popularized and applied to the strength design and evaluation of similar welded joints, so as to achieve the purpose of refined design of safety factor and structural weight reduction.
reliability evaluationdissimilar metal weldsstress strength interference modelXRD
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