Application Status and Discussion of ECA Technology in Girth Welds of Oil and Gas Pipelines
- Vol. 53, Issue 5, Pages: 30-37(2023)
DOI: 10.7512/j.issn.1001-2303.2023.05.04
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SUN Peixiang, DAI Guowen, LI Xueda, et al.Application Status and Discussion of ECA Technology in Girth Welds of Oil and Gas Pipelines[J].Electric Welding Machine, 2023, 53(5): 30-37.
环焊缝是长输油气管道的薄弱环节,其失效主要是由缺陷与载荷共同作用引起的开裂。利用基于“合于使用”原则(Fitness-for-service,FFS)的工程临界评估(Engineering Critical Assessment,ECA)技术来评估焊缝中的各种缺陷,可以在确保管道安全运行的同时,降低返修率与运行成本。介绍了现行的环焊缝缺陷评估规范,其中基于塑性破坏和断裂双判据的失效评估图法(Failure Assessment Diagram,FAD)是目前ECA中应用最广泛的方法。并以BS:7910标准为例分析了基于环焊缝断裂行为的ECA技术,并探讨了ECA技术在长输油气管道环焊缝缺陷评估中可能存在的问题,包括载荷应力参数的确定、缺陷的精确识别和环焊缝性能指标的表征等。
Girth weld is the weak point of long distance oil and gas pipeline, and its failure is generally induced by the co-effect of flaws within the girth weld and the sustained load. Using the Engineering Critical Assessment (ECA) technique based on applicable principles to assess flaws in welds can reduce repair rates and costs while ensuring safe pipeline operation. The Failure Assessment Diagram (FAD), which is based on the double criteria of plastic failure and fracture, is the most widely used method in ECA. This paper takes BS: 7910 as an example to analyze ECA technology based on the fracture behavior of girth welds, and discusses the possible problems of ECA technology during the evaluation of girth welds in oil and gas pipelines, including the determination of load stress parameters, the accurate identification of defects and the characterization of girth welds performance indicators. Under the background of rapid construction of oil and gas pipeline, further development of ECA technology is of significant for the safe operation of pipelines.
oil and gas pipelinegirth weldwelding defectsengineering critical assessment (ECA)
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