TANG Li, LI Dong, KANG Wenjie, et al.Analysis on Standards for Welding Procedure Qualification of Heat Transfer Tube and Tube Sheet at Domestic and Overseas[J].Electric Welding Machine, 2022, 52(8): 113-118.
TANG Li, LI Dong, KANG Wenjie, et al.Analysis on Standards for Welding Procedure Qualification of Heat Transfer Tube and Tube Sheet at Domestic and Overseas[J].Electric Welding Machine, 2022, 52(8): 113-118. DOI: 10.7512/j.issn.1001-2303.2022.08.16.
Analysis on Standards for Welding Procedure Qualification of Heat Transfer Tube and Tube Sheet at Domestic and Overseas
In view of the four commonly used standards (NB/T 47014-2011, ISO 15614-8:2016, ASME BPVC-IX:2019 and RCC-M S3000:2007) for welding procedure qualification of heat transfer tube and tube sheet at home and abroad, the similarities and differences of their applicable scopes, specimen forms, qualification variables and acceptance criteria are systematically analyzed. The results show that the ISO 15614-8:2016 covers almost every field of welding procedure qualification and is the only standard to distinguish the arrangement of tube sheet. The other three standards only emphasize the number of welded joints. For the ISO 15614-8:2016 and RCC-M S3000:2007, the interstitial structure and expanding process of tube and tube sheet are considered as important variables. However, the fit clearances of tube and tube sheet are not required for the ASME BPVC-IX:2019 and the NB/T 47014-2011. The four standards all have similar requirements for the visual tests, penetrant tests and macro metallographs. Also, only the ISO 15614-8:2016 requires more stringent inspection. By analyzing the difference and application of these standards, it provides the theoretical guidance and technical reference for the welding procedure qualification of heat transfer tube and tube sheet in the future.
heat transfer tubetube sheetstandardwelding procedure qualification
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