Application Status of Tracking System in Narrow Gap Submerged Arc Welding
- Vol. 52, Issue 7, Pages: 52-61(2022)
DOI: 10.7512/j.issn.1001-2303.2022.07.08
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ZHANG Lei, WANG Bojian, FU Ao, et al.Application Status of Tracking System in Narrow Gap SubmergedArc Welding[J].Electric Welding Machine, 2022, 52(7): 52-61.
Taking the tracking system as the theme, this paper combs and summarizes the application status of the tracking system in narrow gap submerged arc welding, and looks forward to the technical development direction of the system in the future. This paper starts from three aspects: the significance of tracking system, the types of tracking sensors and the application of tracking system. At present, the tracking system with the most mature application and the largest market share in narrow gap submerged arc welding equipment adopts contact tracking technology. In recent years, with the continuous progress of science and technology, visual sensing technology has developed rapidly. The tracking system using this technology has been widely used in the field of welding and has made some attempts in the field of narrow gap submerged arc welding. With the continuous improvement and optimization of tracking system technology, the automation and intelligence of narrow gap submerged arc welding will be further improved.
narrow gapsubmerged arcwelding tracking systemwelding automation
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