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    • Welding Enterprises International Certification and Welding Production and Manufacturing Quality Development

    • Vol. 52, Issue 1, Pages: 25-34(2022)   
    • DOI: 10.7512/j.issn.1001-2303.2022.01.04     

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  • CHEN Yu, CHEN Dajun, YANG Gao, et al.Welding enterprises international certification and welding production and manufacturing quality development[J].Electric Welding Machine, 2022, 52(01): 25-34. DOI: 10.7512/j.issn.1001-2303.2022.01.04.
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Huaheng Welding Co., Ltd., Kunshan
Harbin Weill welding Co., Ltd.
China National Academy of Mechanical Sciences Group Co., Ltd.
Harbin Welding Research Institute Co., Ltd.
College of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Electronics,Beijing University of Technology