MENG Junsheng, LI Liansheng, FANG Naiwen, et al. Overview of the primary welder vocational module training course in the national profe-ssional skill level evaluation training course. [J]. 51(6):107-111(2021)
MENG Junsheng, LI Liansheng, FANG Naiwen, et al. Overview of the primary welder vocational module training course in the national profe-ssional skill level evaluation training course. [J]. 51(6):107-111(2021) DOI: 10.7512/j.issn.1001-2303.2021.06.21.
Overview of the primary welder vocational module training course in the national profe-ssional skill level evaluation training course
This article introduced the compilation framework and training content of the primary welder vocational module training course in the national professional skill level evaluation training course. The compilation framework of the primary welder vocational module training course is based on the "National Professional Skills Standards for Welders"(2019 edition) related skills standards. Based on the project module,basic knowledge and practical application,the textbook content is compiled. This course is suitable for college students and social related professional qualification personnel who want to apply for welding junior workers,and can be used as a training material for skilled talents in welding industry(enterprises).
weldernational professional skillprofessional skillstraining course