Research on Ultrasonic Testing Technology for Extruded Nozzle of Main Steam Super Pipeline
- 2024年54卷第12期 页码:113-120
纸质出版日期: 2024-12-25
DOI: 10.7512/j.issn.1001-2303.2024.12.18
纸质出版日期: 2024-12-25 ,
LIAO Yingpeng, WANG Lan, SU Sheng, et al.Research on Ultrasonic Testing Technology for Extruded Nozzle of Main Steam Super Pipeline[J].Electric Welding Machine, 2024, 54(12): 113-120.
This study focuses on the ultrasonic testing technology for the extruded nozzle of main steam super pipelines
aiming to ensure its forming quality and safety. By analyzing the extrusion process
stress conditions
and the principles of ultrasonic testing
and combining relevant standards with actual cases
the study discusses various aspects such as the testing scope
reference blocks
probe selection
blind area control
non-defect wave identification
and acceptance criteria. The research finds that the current ultrasonic testing methods can effectively identify defects in the extruded nozzles and ensure the quality of their formation. However
there are areas for improvement in the testing process
such as the length of artificial reflector notches in reference blocks not meeting standard requirements
some straight sections of nozzles having blind areas that cannot be removed by processing
and issues with the reliability of contour echo identification. It is suggested that further research should be conducted on the testing techniques for nozzles with different curvatures
and more refined reference blocks and probes should be developed to improve the accuracy and reliability of the testing.
main steam super pipelineextruded nozzleultrasonic testingstress analysis
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