Research on the Microstructure and Properties of Semi-Automatic TIG Arc Welding and Brazing Joints of Copper Tubes
- 2024年54卷第12期 页码:62-67
纸质出版日期: 2024-12-25
DOI: 10.7512/j.issn.1001-2303.2024.12.10
纸质出版日期: 2024-12-25 ,
WANG Mengguo, SHAO Dandan, LI Wukai, et al.Research on the Microstructure and Properties of Semi-Automatic TIG Arc Welding and Brazing Joints of Copper Tubes[J].Electric Welding Machine, 2024, 54(12): 62-67.
<math id="M1"><mi mathvariant="normal">⌀</mi></math>
34 mm和
<math id="M2"><mi mathvariant="normal">⌀</mi></math>
38 mm的紫铜管搭接接头进行火焰钎焊和半自动TIG电弧熔钎焊试验。通过宏观观察、水压试验、力学性能测试、金相分析和断口形貌分析等方法,对比分析两种焊接工艺下焊接接头的组织特征和力学性能。结果表明,火焰钎焊时紫铜管母材未发生熔合,火焰钎焊接头主要依靠钎料浸润搭接而形成,存在明显的细小孔洞缺陷,抗拉强度为204 MPa,焊接系数仅为0.51;半自动TIG电弧熔钎焊接头内外铜管发生熔合,焊缝组织均匀,缺陷较少,抗拉强度达到238 MPa,焊接系数提高到0.60,力学性能显著提升。半自动TIG电弧熔钎焊可以有效提升紫铜管搭接接头的力学性能和密封性能,其操作简单、效率高、安全性好,在紫铜管搭接连接中具有良好的应用前景。
Silicon bronze welding wire SG-CuSi3 was used as the brazing material
and industrial borax was used as the flux for flame brazing and semi-automatic TIG arc melting and brazing experiments on
<math id="M3"><mi mathvariant="normal">⌀</mi></math>
34 mm and
<math id="M4"><mi mathvariant="normal">⌀</mi></math>
38 mm copper tube lap joints. Through macro observation
hydraulic pressure test
mechanical performance test
metallographic analysis
and fracture morphology analysis
the microstructure characteristics and mechanical properties of the welding joints under the two welding processes were compared and analyzed. The results show that the base material of the copper tube does not melt during flame brazing
and the flame brazing joint is mainly formed by the infiltration of the brazing material into the lap
with obvious fine porosity defects
a tensile strength of 204 MPa
and a welding coefficient of only 0.51; the internal and external copper tubes of the semi-automatic TIG arc melting and brazing joint melt
the weld microstructure is uniform
there are fewer defects
the tensile strength reaches 238 MPa
and the welding coefficient is increased to 0.60
significantly improving the mechanical properties. Semi-automatic TIG arc melting and brazing can effectively improve the mechanical and sealing properties of copper tube lap joints
with simple operation
high efficiency
good safety
and a promising application prospect in copper tube lap connections.
semi-automatic TIG melting and brazingcopper tube lap jointsmechanical propertiesmicrostructureflame brazing
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