EBSD Analysis of Microstructure of Inconel625 Alloy Wire
- Vol. 55, Issue 1, Pages: 43-50(2025)
Published: 20 January 2025
DOI: 10.7512/j.issn.1001-2303.2025.01.06
Published: 20 January 2025 ,
苗承鹏,马继国,董生茂,等.Inconel 625合金焊丝微观组织EBSD研究[J].电焊机,2025,55(1):43-50.
MIAO Chengpeng, MA Jiguo, DONG Shengmao, et al.EBSD Analysis of Microstructure of Inconel 625 Alloy Wire[J].Electric Welding Machine, 2025, 55(1): 43-50.
<math id="M1"><mo><</mo></math>
<math id="M2"><mo><</mo></math>
<math id="M3"><mo>></mo></math>
<math id="M4"><mo>></mo></math>
<math id="M5"><mo>></mo></math>
<math id="M6"><mo>></mo></math>
A。A焊丝三维粗糙度为4.30 μm,B焊丝三维粗糙度为4.76 μm,C焊丝三维粗糙度为5.29 μm,表面质量呈现A优于B优于C;A焊丝夹杂物评级为D0.5的视场数为2,B、C焊丝夹杂物评级为D1的视场数均为7,并且存在D1e类粗细夹杂的视场数为1。综合评估A焊丝品质优于B、C焊丝。
In this paper
the preferred orientation
grain size
surface quality and inclusions content of the A wire were compared with the domestic B wire and foreign C wire by EBSD technique. The results show that,by optimizing the composition and process of welding wire
the section of A
B and C wires have <111> and <100> wire texture
and the texture density sorting as A<B<C. The sum of recrystallized grains and the number of recovery grains in the longitudinal section of A wires accounted for 33.45% of the total number of grains
and the number of recrystallized grains in the longitudinal section of B wires plus the number of recovery grains was 9.45%
whereas the number of recrystallized grains and the number of recovery grains in the cross section of C wires was 12.21%
sorting as A>C>B. The grain size grade of A
C wire is G12.0
G13.0 respectively
sorting as C>B>A. The 3D roughness of A
C wire is 4.30 μm
4.76 μm
5.29 μm respectively
and the surface quality of A is the best and B is better than C. A wire with an inclusion rating of D0.5 has a field of view of 2. B
C wire with an inclusions rating of D1 has a field of view of 7
and there is a D1e class of coarse and fine inclusions in one field of view. Comprehensive assessment of the quality of the A wire is better than that of the B
C wire.
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