Prospects of Additive Manufacturing Technology Application in the Construction of Underwater Titanium Alloy Equipment
- Vol. 55, Issue 1, Pages: 19-27(2025)
Published: 20 January 2025
DOI: 10.7512/j.issn.1001-2303.2025.01.03
Published: 20 January 2025 ,
WANG Jinzhong, CHAI Fei, WANG Zhuoran, et al.Prospects of Additive Manufacturing Technology Application in the Construction of Underwater Titanium Alloy Equipment[J].Electric Welding Machine, 2025, 55(1): 19-27.
Underwater equipment is a type of military and civilian equipment that can assist or replace humans in operating in complex and high-risk underwater environments, and is a key tool for marine resource development and the maintenance of marine rights and interests. In the past decade, additive manufacturing technology has achieved many successful applications in fields such as aerospace and biomedicine, but its application on underwater equipment has rarely been reported. This paper starts from the development trend of underwater titanium alloy equipment, analyzes the application space of additive manufacturing in the construction of underwater equipment, and delves into the applicability of additive manufacturing technology from the aspects of forming size, product structure, and component properties. Taking propellers and hollow shells as typical examples, it demonstrates its advantages in manufacturing complex structures. At the same time, it points out the challenges of additive manufacturing technology in stress corrosion cracking, shape and property control of large structural parts, quality evaluation systems, and material costs. In the future, through technological breakthroughs and material innovations, such as the development of solid-phase additive manufacturing technology, additive manufacturing technology is expected to overcome existing problems, achieve high-density, and wrought-like tissue structures, provide strong support for high-quality, lightweight manufacturing of underwater equipment, and promote the construction of a maritime power.
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