Study on Softening Mechanism and Establishment of Softening Model of Welding Joint of High Magnesium Aluminum Alloy
- Vol. 54, Issue 12, Pages: 8-15(2024)
Published: 25 December 2024
DOI: 10.7512/j.issn.1001-2303.2024.12.02
Published: 25 December 2024 ,
HU Minghui, LAI Shaobo, ZHENG Wenjian, et al.Study on Softening Mechanism and Establishment of Softening Model of Welding Joint of High Magnesium Aluminum Alloy[J].Electric Welding Machine, 2024, 54(12): 8-15.
In order to study the softening mechanism of high magnesium aluminum alloy welded joints and establish their welding softening model
through microhardness testing and microscopic characterization
it is revealed that the softening mainly originates from the weakening of solid solution strengthening and dispersion strengthening. As the peak welding temperature increases
the Mg element dissolves in the grains
leading to a decrease in grain distortion and a decline in the ability to hinder lattice dislocation movement
thereby weakening the effect of solid solution strengthening. At high temperatures
the Mg element evaporates from the Al matrix and segregates at the grain boundaries
forming Mg-rich phases
which reduces the effect of dispersion strengthening. Based on the hardness changes and the peak temperature during the welding process
a softening model that varies with the peak welding temperature was established
and its accuracy was verified through finite element calculations.
high-magnesium aluminum alloysoftening mechanismsoftening modelsolid solution strengtheningdispersion strengthening
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